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Recycled water connections
Using recycled water (stormwater and wastewater) reduces dependence on the River Murray and Murray Darling Basin and reduces costs. ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï has been connecting schools to recycled water since 1998 and is one of the largest single users of recycled water for oval irrigation in the state. Refer to the department’s recycled water connections procedure (PDF 1 MB) for more information.
Recycled water infrastructure has been completed at 52 schools, with 29 schools irrigating in 2016/17 and the remaining schools expected to begin irrigating in the 2017/18 irrigation season.
In the 2015/16 irrigation season connections in the City of Salisbury, City of Playford and City of Tea Tree Gully reduced mains water consumption by 282ML (mega litres) and costs by $184,188.
Recycled water connections have been completed with the following recycled water suppliers:
* SA Water
* City of Salisbury
* City of Playford
* City of Onkaparinga
* City of Tea Tree Gully
* City of Charles Sturt
* District Council of Mount Barker
Smart meters
The SA Water Smart Water Schools program is a pilot industry partnership between SA Water and the department to trial smart meters on water meters at selected schools.
Smart meters track water consumption in real time, giving schools the ability to:
* monitor consumption and cost
* understand when and where water is being used
* identify the occurrence of water leaks
* monitor and improve water efficiency
* identify solutions to real world problems
* use real data as part of STEM curriculum.
Smart meters are currently installed at 11 schools:
* Banksia Park High School
* Burnside Primary School
* Crystal Brook Primary School
* Heathfield High School
* Ocean View P-12 College
* Kingscote Area School
* Parndana Area School
* Charles Campbell College
* Leigh Creek Area School
* Alberton Primary School
* Urrbrae Agricultural High School