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The following processes outline the way aggrieved employees can seek a review of a merit selection decision.
The general panel process is outlined in (Department for Education staff access required).
Public Sector Act, Education and Children’s Services Act section 121 and ancillary staff vacancies
Requests for internal and external reviews are limited to claims of serious irregularities in the selection process that may have affected the outcome of the process. These include:
- the employee was not eligible for appointment
- the processes were affected by nepotism or patronage or were otherwise not properly based on assessment of the respective merits of the applicants
- there was some other serious irregularity in the processes.
Non SA Government employees are not eligible to seek an internal or external review.
Eligible existing SA government employees may lodge a request for an internal review within 7 days after the day of being notified of the selection process outcome. This is done via the intranet form (staff login required).
Other SA government employees should contact Employee Relations (Ethical conduct advisory) via education.ecu [at] sa.gov.au or 8226 1342.
Alternatively an eligible, aggrieved applicant has the option of seeking an external review of the selection process by applying directly to the within 7 days after the day of being notified of the selection process outcome.
School and preschool teaching and leadership vacancies
Internal reviews, where available, are only open to existing Department for Education employees. Information on available review avenues can be accessed via the intranet (staff login required).
A limited right of external appeal to the also exists for school and preschool based teachers concerned with the outcome of a selection process for a leadership vacancy. This appeal right is restricted to the first nominated applicant for a leadership vacancy where the nomination of the panel has not been accepted by the Chief Executive. See section 124(6) of the .