On this page
A range of care and play-based learning options are available for babies and children up to six years old. Some childcare providers also offer before and after school care to school aged children.
Choosing the right type of child care
Childcare services may be offered by private providers, community groups, government agencies, individuals, babysitters or nannies. The different types of childcare are described on the page.
Refer to choosing a child care service for a list of factors to consider.
If you need help to decide which service is best for you, call the MyChild Hotline on 13 36 84.
Finding services in your area
To find services in your local area:
- visit
- check the .
Getting your name on a waiting list
Some childcare services use waiting lists to help them manage high demand. To avoid situations where there is no vacancy at the service you wish to use, put your name on their waiting list. Places are allocated to families with the greatest need for child care. There is a set which ensures that the system is fair.