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Help to make a complaint

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The Department for Education is committed to having a complaint management process that is easy to understand and accessible to everyone.

This page has information you can use if you need help to make a complaint.

Translated information

We have translated information about how to make a complaint into 18 languages.

See translations of raising a complaint with the department fact sheet.

Support from the department

Children with disability and special needs

See disability support at school.

Aboriginal children and young people

You can get support from an Aboriginal support staff worker at your local education office or school.

Search for your local partnership by looking up your school or preschool, then go to contact details.

If you need more support:

Young people (under 18)

Students under 18 can make a complaint to the Customer Feedback Team. However, we encourage you to talk with your school first.

If you have questions call 8226 1000 or submit an .

You can also get support from your local education office.

General support

  • For people who don't speak English, contact  on 1800 280 203 (free call).
  • For Aboriginal interpreter services, phone 8999 2062 or email ais [at] nt.gov.au .
  • The is available for customers that are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment. Call 133 677 (TTY or voice calls) or 1300 555 727 (speak and listen) at no extra charge.
  • Child protection issues will be directed to the where required.
  • Also see for more information.

Other external support services are:

  • – phone 1300 733 606
  • – phone 1800 551 800
  • – phone 13 11 14
  • – phone 1300 224 636
  • – for young people 12 to 25 years of age, phone 1800 063 267
  • – for young people over 16 to 24 years of age
  • – phone 8161 7000
  • – phone 8212 0085.

Support persons and advocates

Anyone aged 18 or older can be a support person or advocate for a parent, carer, family member or student making a complaint.

The role of a support person or advocate is to help make the complaint process easier for the person making the complaint. Roles must be made clear and agreed by all parties at the start.

A support person can:

  • attend meetings
  • suggest a pause during meetings to support the person making the complaint and provide advice or assistance
  • take notes and help with implementing outcomes.

An advocate is authorised to lodge a complaint or speak for the person making the complaint. Generally, this will be when the person doesn't have capacity to communicate effectively or fully understand the actions arising.

Where personal information is involved, the complainant must give written confirmation (by email) that the advocate has permission to act for the complainant.

If the Complaint Officer determines a possible health and safety risk to any of the parties, or where a request for information is precluded by law, the Complaint Officer will notify all parties of this and the reasons why (by email).

General enquiries

Phone: 8226 1000
Free call: 1800 088 158