On this page
The External Wellbeing Programs Directory is a curated list of evidence-informed mental health and wellbeing programs offered by external providers, including department-funded or endorsed programs.
School access
ºÚÁϳԹÏn government schools can access a searchable . The directory includes more detail about each program and how they align to the wellbeing domains of the department’s Wellbeing Engagement Collection (WEC).
The directory includes free and cost-based programs. Schools are responsible for negotiating the cost and then contracting the provider for the agreed scope of work.
Types of wellbeing programs included in the directory
Programs in the directory:
- are delivered to students through teacher training and support or by the external provider
- target primary or secondary school children and young people
- include a packaged sequence of lessons – not a one-off guest speaker or an app
- have a focus on at least 1 WEC domain
- are a tier 1 universal or tier 2 targeted program.
Programs address the following mental health and wellbeing areas:
- social and emotional learning skills
- bullying prevention
- general wellbeing
- mental health wellbeing and literacy
- health promotion.
External providers can deliver the programs to students or train teachers and wellbeing staff to deliver the programs.
Not included in the directory
The directory does not include once off guest speakers, wellbeing apps or therapeutic interventions for an individual child, also known as tier 3 interventions.
Who can use the directory
The directory is for ºÚÁϳԹÏn government primary and secondary schools.
How schools use other programs
Schools make local decisions about the wellbeing and mental health programs and supports that best align with student needs. If you want to supply your program that is not listed on the directory, we ask schools to check that you can provide:
- evaluations from past program success – testimonials are generally not of high evidence value
- evidence that the program positively impacts the wellbeing of children and young people
- referees so they can talk to other schools who have used the program about what was achieved by implementing the program
- training and resource materials that support the successful implementation of the program
- support for schools to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
Schools and program providers can contact the Engagement and Wellbeing team to find out more.
Register your interest to supply
Registrations are closed. If your program meets the criteria for selection and you want to be considered for the External Wellbeing Programs Directory to get notifications about when the next tender process begins.
Providers in the directory
Program name | Provider | Overview |
Alcohol and Other Drug Education | Empower Education: Encounter Youth | Through Empower Education, Encounter Youth offers evidence-based, curriculum-aligned Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) education for secondary students at age-appropriate stages of their schooling and development. Taking a holistic approach to education, the program includes seminars for teachers and parents. Encounter Youth also offers workshop-based AOD programs for disadvantaged and disengaged students and an online AOD program for regional schools. |
batyr@school | batyr Australia | batyr@school supports students to participate in positive conversations about mental health. Trained facilitators educate students on supports available to empower them to reach out for help when needed. The program includes hearing from a young person with an experience of mental ill-health, focusing on hope, resilience and courage. |
Best of Friends | Quirky Kid Pty Ltd | The Best of Friends program is a concise and engaging social and emotional learning program from Quirky Kid. It optimises academic, social and emotional outcomes for children in year 3 to 6 in school settings. |
Big Talks for Little People | Associated Psychological Services | Big talks for Little People: Child mental health program is a practical, digitally delivered classroom module that promotes mental health and wellbeing, resilience and coping. |
Bullying. No Way! | Australian Education Authorities | Bullying. No Way! provides accurate, up to date, interesting and engaging educational materials and learning activities for all year levels to support school communities for a proactive approach to bullying education and prevention. |
Butterfly Body Bright | Butterfly Foundation | Butterfly Body Bright is a primary school body image program. The 6 themes support students to be:
Coaching Young People for Success | Life Business Consultancy | Coaching Young People for Success incorporates personal, wellbeing and academic aspects of life and career planning. The aim is to strengthen students’ social and emotional skills to help with their career development and planning, emotional wellbeing, relationship management and academic outcomes. |
Cyber Safety Project Primary School Partnership program | Cyber Safety Project | The Cyber Safety Project is on a mission to support children to self-manage their own cyber security, safety and wellbeing through proactive education. |
Cyber Safety Project Secondary School Partnership program | Cyber Safety Project | The Cyber Safety Project is on a mission to support young people in year 7 and 8 to self-manage their own cyber security, safety and wellbeing through proactive education. |
Day of Friendship | URSTRONG Pty Ltd | URSTRONG is a school-wide relationship strategy that can complement existing wellbeing programs or serve as the foundation for an emerging social-emotional wellbeing program at your school. |
Friendly Schools | Telethon Kids Institute | Friendly Schools is a whole-school social and emotional wellbeing and bullying prevention initiative for primary and secondary schools. |
Friendology 101 | URSTRONG Pty Ltd | URSTRONG Friendology 101 creates a climate within friendships focused on trust, respect, and honesty. |
FRIENDS for Life | Friends Resilience Pty Ltd | A cognitive behavioural therapy program that increases resilience and happiness in children by teaching them and their families cognitive, emotional and behavioural skills for managing feelings and coping with life challenges with a positive and resilient attitude. |
Fun FRIENDS | Friends Resilience Pty Ltd | Fun FRIENDS is a play-based program for building resilience in children. |
Growing with Gratitude | Growing with Gratitude | Growing With Gratitude is a fun and engaging program that builds and protects children's mental health by teaching skills based on gratitude, kindness, empathy, mindfulness and serving others. |
HeadStrong | Black dog institute | HeadStrong is an evidence-based free curriculum resource that can be used to help students better understand mental health while developing personal wellbeing and resilience. |
Healthy Minds | Healthy Minds Education and Training | Healthy Minds was created by a psychologist to prevent the onset of symptoms of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders in young people. By teaching a core set of psychological skills, reducing specific broad risk factors, and building specific broad protective factors young people can be supported to foster robust mental health and resilience. There are components for the course available for students, teachers and parents. |
Impact Violence Prevention Program | Sammy D Foundation | Impact is a primary prevention education program aimed at changing student’s attitudes towards violence by educating them about the negative impacts and giving them strategies to keep themselves and their mates safe from harm. |
Junior RISE | Kids First Australia | Junior RISE targets students at-risk of disengagement in Years 5 and 6 (Junior RISE Primary) and Years 7 and 8 (Junior RISE High). |
Life Ed and Healthy Harold | Life Ed, SA | Life Ed offers 12 modules on physical health, safety and social and emotional wellbeing for primary school students, while students in years 7 to 11 have access to 4 drug education modules on vaping, smoking, alcohol and illicit drugs. |
Kids Helpline @ School | yourtown | Kids Helpline @ School is an early intervention and prevention program that uses video conferencing to improve the mental health literacy, resilience and help-seeking skills of primary school students. The program is facilitated by Kids Helpline counsellors. |
Love Bites | UnitingCare Wesley Bowden | Love Bites is a program providing young people with a safe environment to examine, discuss and explore respectful relationships. |
Media Smart | Flinders University | Media Smart is an 8-lesson program that improves body image and reduces the risk of eating disorders. Media Smart increases resilience in young people of all genders. It encourages young people to take an informed approach so they can identify, analyse and challenge both social and traditional media messages. It also reduces the importance young people place on appearance. |
Multicultural Power Cup | Port Adelaide Football Club | Multicultural Power Cup Program immerses culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students in football training to build social cohesion, promote inclusion and celebrate cultural diversity. |
My FRIENDS Youth | Friends Resilience Pty Ltd | My FRIENDS Youth focuses on teaching students integrity and positivity in the face of peer pressure. |
Online safety resources | eSafety Commissioner | Online safety resources and training for teachers, schools and communities to build awareness in students about cyberbullying, device safety, privacy and online shopping. |
Open Parachute | Enso Education Pty Ltd | Open Parachute provides students from R to 12 with mental health and wellbeing programs. All programs feature documentary videos of real Australian students sharing their stories. Students learn mental health skills from peers their own age, while educators deliver pre-prepared lessons that don't require them to be a mental health expert. |
Our Futures | The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use | Our Futures is an eHealth program designed to prevent substance use, mental ill-health, and related harms among adolescents. The program provides information and realistic scenarios to allow young people to practise responding to situations related to substance use and mental health in an appropriate way. |
Party Wise Program | Sammy D Foundation | This is an engaging and interactive alcohol and other drugs education program that takes a harm minimisation approach. It explores: types and categories of drugs, short and long-term effects of drugs, current trends and drinking culture, understanding standard drink measurements, driving under the influence, when and where to seek help. |
P.E.A.C.E. Pack | Australian Psychological Services | The P.E.A.C.E. Pack is a framework and intervention program designed to address bullying and promote wellbeing in schools. It presents school-based strategies shown to reduce school bullying. |
Peer Support | Peer Support Australia | The Peer Support program helps students develop and sustain positive relationships, agency, sense of self, and responsibility for self and others. |
Personal Leadership Program | Youth Opportunities | Youth Opportunities personal leadership programs use positive psychology and cognitive therapy to help young people build social emotional learning and resilience. Programs can be delivered in person or online, giving schools the flexibility to tailor to your students' needs. |
Positive Living Skills | Positive Living Skills | The Positive Living Skills wellbeing program teaches mental health and wellbeing by combining evidence-based, curriculum-aligned learning experiences and resources for a primary school setting. |
Power Community Youth Program | Port Adelaide Football Club | Port Adelaide Football Club players from the men’s and women’s teams deliver a series of fun interactive lessons on healthy eating and staying active. |
Primary School Partnership program | Cyber Safety Project | The Cyber Safety Project is on a mission to support children to self-manage their own cyber security, safety and wellbeing through proactive education. |
Raise | Raise Foundation | Raise is a group mentoring program helping to improve outcomes in mental health, social and emotional wellbeing and school engagement for young people at risk of disengagement from education or poor wellbeing. |
Real Schools Cultural Partnership | Real Schools | By integrating Restorative Practices through a partnership with Real Schools, schools can foster a strong culture, build effective relationships, resolve conflict in healthy, consistent ways, improve student behaviour and reduce bullying incidences. |
Resilient IMPACT | Life Buoyancy Institute | Resilient IMPACT helps schools build a wellbeing- and learning-responsive education community. |
Resourceful Adolescent Program | Queensland University of Technology | The Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP-A) is a strength focussed school-based program that aims to promote resilience and wellbeing in young people aged 11 to 15 years old. |
Rock and Water | Connected Self | The Rock and Water program focuses students on body, emotional and self-awareness. The development of body awareness and the ability to control their physical state, comes before developing emotional awareness. Students develop self-awareness and the ability to link together their environment, emotions and thoughts. |
Seasons for Growth | MacKillop Family Services | Seasons for Growth is a small group program that creates a safe space for children and young people to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand and respond to change, loss and grief experiences. These can be death, family separation, forced migration and other life changes. |
Seasons for Growth | UnitingCare Wesley Bowden | The Seasons for Growth program teaches children skills and attitudes required to understand and respond well to grief and loss experiences such as death, separation and divorce. |
Secret Agent Society | Social Science Translated | The Secret Agent Society (SAS) is a suite of espionage-themed resources that provide an evidence-based, comprehensive, structured social and emotional learning for children aged 8 to 12 years old. |
SHINE SA Relationships and Sexual Health Education | SHINE SA | SHINE SA’s Relationships and Sexual Health Education Program supports schools across the state to deliver this topic in a confident, whole-school approach. It's a primary prevention initiative that aims to build relationships skills, health literacy, e-safety and achieve long-term health and social outcomes. |
SibWorks | Siblings Australia | Sib Works is a peer support program for children aged 8 to 12, who have a brother or sister with a disability. The program is facilitated by professionals in the health, education disability or community services sectors. It's designed to support siblings to build their emotional wellbeing, resilience and connection with others who share similar experiences. |
Smiling Mind Primary School Program | Smiling Mind | The Smiling Mind Primary School Program is an evidence-based whole-school approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children in the classroom, school and home environments. The cornerstone of the program is the plug-and-play, ready-to-implement Primary Classroom Curriculum, a comprehensive and stand-alone Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program. Through pre-planned lessons, children learn, practice, and integrate social and emotional skills. The learning content is mapped to the Australian Curriculum, and supports the development of fundamental skills that are proven to positively impact learning and mental wellbeing outcomes. |
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program | Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation | The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (KGP) teaches children and young people to form positive habits for life, improving food literacy and behaviour, building life skills and resilience, and supporting mental health. |
Stormbirds | MacKillop Family Services | Stormbirds is an education program that provides a safe space for children and young people to learn about how natural disasters such as bushfires, floods and storms can impact on their lives and learn knowledge and skills to respond to these events. |
Stronger Brains in ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï | Stronger Brains Ltd | Stronger Brains is an innovative program that engages children in a structured regimen of evidence-informed cognitive, social and emotional health exercises, tailored to strengthen the neurocognitive skills they need for learning and wellness. |
Teen Mental Health First Aid | Mental Health First Aid Australia | Teen MHFA is a practical, skills-based course designed to equip students with the skills and confidence to recognise and respond if someone they know experiences a mental health problem or crisis situation. Schools need to have 10% of their staff complete the Youth Mental Health First Aid course before they can offer Teen Mental Health First Aid. |
Teen Mental Health First Aid | Natalie Bottroff and Associates Pty Ltd | Teen MHFA is a practical, skills-based course designed to equip students with the skills and confidence to recognise and respond if someone they know experiences a mental health problem or crisis situation. Schools need to have 10% of their staff complete the Youth Mental Health First Aid course before they can offer Teen Mental Health First Aid. |
The Karma Classroom | The Karma Class | The Karma Class offers a range of health and wellbeing programs based on yoga, breath and mindfulness, designed specifically for early childhood and primary students. |
The Resilience Project – School Partnership Program | The Resilience Project | Designed by teachers for teachers the program provides evidence-based positive mental health strategies for staff, students and the whole school community to be happier and more resilient. The program includes inspiring presentations and a yearlong teaching and learning curriculum tailored to each year level from F-12. |
True Colours | Sammy D Foundation | True Colours is an 8-week, student-led critical inquiry module, aimed at preventing bullying and violence. The key focus of the program is ‘when a decision is made to engage in or react to a situation, what are your True Colours at the critical moment?’ |
Tumbelin BOOST | Baptist Care | Tumbelin BOOST is an adventure-based learning program that challenges and supports at-risk young people. Through ‘challenge by choice’ principles, students set goals and experience both personal and group success. With weekly activities over a term, Tumbelin BOOST takes a relational and restorative approach to student wellbeing. |
Visible Wellbeing | Visible Wellbeing | The Visible Wellbeing program is a universal intervention bringing together the science of wellbeing, learning and cultural change through pedagogy and goal setting. |
Westmead Feelings Program | ACER | The Westmead Feelings Program teaches social and emotional regulation skills to autistic children and young people, in close collaboration with parents and teachers. There are 2 versions of the program to cater for children’s different ability levels. |
What’s the Story? | Sammy D Foundation | What’s the Story? is an 8-week violence prevention program aimed at young people identifying as male in years 9 to 12. The program is participatory, interactive and discussion based. Storytelling is a key feature as it supports students to reflect upon their world in a personally meaningful and relevant manner. It’s recommended for groups of 10 to 20 students. |
WorryWoos Developing Emotional Intelligence | Wonderful Me Pty Ltd | The WorryWoos Developing Emotional Intelligence Program employs fun, fictional characters and stories to support the development of emotional intelligence. |