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STEM scholarships for high school students under-represented in science and mathematics

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High school students from under-represented groups (low socioeconomic status students, especially girls and Aboriginal learners) can apply for scholarships to pursue science and mathematics (STEM) subjects at SACE Stage 1 and 2 level.

The fund covers the cost of tutors, laptops, excursions or any other strategy that directly supports the student to achieve in their chosen STEM subjects and pathways.


To apply for this scholarship you must be:

  • enrolled in a government school
  • eligible for a school card (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students do not need to hold a school card)
  • committed to completing at least 1 of the following STEM subjects at SACE stage 1 and/or stage 2 level; specialist mathematics, mathematical methods, digital technologies, chemistry or physics.
  • achieving C minimum in year 10 maths and science
  • willing to participate in mentoring programs and other activities that support STEM careers awareness.

How to apply

Applications for a STEM scholarship will open in August 2025.

Assessment of applications

All applications are assessed by a panel of representatives from industry, the Department for Education, secondary school principals and the Aboriginal community.

If your application is successful

Successful scholarship recipients, their parent(s) or carer(s) and school will enter into an agreement with the department.

Accessing scholarship funds

Successful applicants will have scholarship money transferred to their school. To access scholarship funds, students can:

  • provide the proof of purchase for a budget item to the school and get reimbursed, or
  • request a purchase order from the school and get the item from a supplier recommended by the school.

Ongoing requirements

To continue to receive the scholarship, students should demonstrate ongoing enrolment and achievement in the required STEM subjects for SACE stage 1 and stage 2.

The scholarship may end if the scholarship recipient stops attending a government methods, digital technologies, physics or chemistry.


ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï will need to collect personal information from you to administer the STEM scholarships.

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï complies with the . This document contains the privacy principles that apply to the collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information. If you have any further questions about the department's privacy obligations, email the STEM Scholarship Project team.

The information collected will be used to select scholarship recipients and assist with the monitoring of the successful recipients progress and expenditure of scholarship funds. It will not be disclosed except in line with the IPP's and the department’s Privacy policy.

This information will be stored securely.

STEM Scholarships Program

Phone: 8463 5804
Email: education.STEMScholarships [at] sa.gov.au