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RRHAN-EC resources, checklists and templates

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These documents are some of the important tools to use when responding to a child or young person at risk of harm, including from abuse or neglect.

The documents are referred to in the mandatory notification training. This training is called RRHAN-EC.

must contact the  if they suspect on reasonable grounds that a child is at risk from harm, including from abuse or neglect. This is required under the .

Concerns checklist

Use this checklist to respond to concerns about children and young people.

Notifications checklist

This checklist has guidance about the information that you should have ready when you make a report to the .

Keeping records

It's the responsibility of the site leader to keep records of mandatory notifications.

Mandatory notification record templates

The Department for Education has a mandatory notification record template (DOCX 813 KB) .

Staff must use this form to record their notification, whether done by phone or online. This form has been developed for use by department sites.

Other sites and services can use elements of this record-keeping form for their own work, or use the non-branded version of a mandatory notification record, suggested template (DOCX 146 KB) .

Other RRHAN-EC supporting resources

These are some of the key resources referred to in the RRHAN-EC training.

RRHAN-EC enquiries

Contact your education sector’s help desk:

Technical support for the online course

Contact the Plink help desk Education.Plink@sa.gov.au.