On this page
External providers of non-education support services for children and students with disability can be granted access to department school or preschool sites or educational programs. Find out what the process is and which documents must be provided to sites.
Step 1 – the child or student’s family submits a request to the school or preschool
Families or carers may want to engage an external service provider of therapeutic support to support their child while at the school, preschool or in an educational program.
The child or student's family or carer is responsible for making the request to the school for an external provider of therapeutic support. They do this first by contacting the school or preschool directly.
Preschool directors and school principals (site leaders) review, approve and manage access for external providers to their sites in line with the non-education service providers in preschools, schools and educational programs procedure (PDF 188 KB) .
Step 2 – the site leader reviews the request
The site leader reviews the request and completes a .
If the request is approved, they continue with step 3.
Step 3 – the provider enters a licence agreement with the school or preschool
The external provider and the school or preschool must complete and sign a .
This must happen before the provider can enter the site and provide the agreed support.
Required documentation
The service provider must give the following to the preschool or school leader:
- either a:
- current teachers registration certificate, OR
- DHS Working with Children Check unique identifier and a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) certificate, OR
- DHS Working with Children Check unique identifier, a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care bridging course certificate (RRHAN – EC) and a safe environments training certificate completed in the last 3 years run by a DHS approved provider
- a copy of the provider’s child safe environment compliance statement
- a copy of the provider’s public liability and professional indemnity insurance
- a copy of qualifications in professional field of practice or a current registration or membership with a relevant professional organisation such as:
- Psychology AHPRA Registration Certificate
- Occupational Therapy AHPRA Registration Certificate
- full membership of Speech Pathology Australia
- membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers
- or relevant qualifications relevant to the proposed service being delivered to the child or young person
- any information that details limitations or restrictions that have been placed on professional practice details of the proposed service being delivered to the child or young person, including frequency of service, time involved and program being delivered.
Information guides about NDIS in schools and preschools
These guides cover the key information and explain the decision-making processes around NDIS provision at schools and preschools.