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The annual SA Schools Constitutional Convention encourages student learning about civics and citizenship, democracy, the Australian Constitution and what it means to be an Australian citizen.
Students have the opportunity to:
- learn and share their views about Australia and its constitution
- find out how the constitution shapes our democracy
- learn how the constitution promotes understanding of our democratic heritage and traditions.
The convention is designed to connect across multiple curriculum learning areas, and is open to all year 11 students. This includes government, Catholic and independent schools.
Students do not need to be enrolled in or have completed any prerequisite subjects to attend.
The SA Schools Constitutional Convention has been running since 1995. It is an initiative between the department and the Parliament of SA. It is supported by the Australian Government.
Students who attend the 2024 SA convention will be invited to apply to attend the 2025 National Schools Constitutional Convention in Canberra (travel, accommodation and meals will be provided).
About the 2024 convention
Friday 20 September 2024
8.30am to 3.30pm
Parliament House
North Terrace, Adelaide.
This year’s theme: A new preamble for the Australian Constitution?
In 2024 the program includes:
- presentations by expert speakers
- a Q&A panel with Members of Parliament
- group workshops
- a debate and mock referendum in the House of Assembly Chamber.
Parliament House provides a unique venue for this learning experience with an optional tour on offer for students. Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
Students will listen to speakers presenting arguments in favour of and against making the constitution easier to change, be provided opportunities to reflect on some of the major discussion points and prepare arguments for a debate.
Historically the Convention has been relevant for students studying subjects such as legal studies, politics, history and studies of society & culture. For the 2024 Constitutional Convention, we encourage nominations for any year 11 students (regional and metropolitan) interested in civics and democracy.
Support materials
2024 SA Schools Constitutional Convention flyer (PDF 83 KB)
Pre-convention learning
Teachers will be provided with links to resources and suggested learning engagements which can be used with their classes or as preparation for the students attending.
Nominating students to attend
Up to 2 students from metropolitan schools and up to 4 students from regional schools can be nominated. To nominate students, teachers should by 5pm Friday 2 August 2024.
Individual schools are responsible for seeking parent/caregiver consent and transport arrangements. Registered teachers and organisers from the Department for Education will be present, however schools are encouraged to provide supervision on the day.