On this page
Out of school hours care (OSHC) provides quality care and recreational experiences:
- before school
- after school
- on pupil free days
- in vacation care periods.
Who can attend OSHC
OSHC services are prioritised for children attending school. Children who have not yet started school may also attend.
Children with additional needs and disabilities
Children with additional needs and disabilities can participate successfully in OSHC. Sometimes an additional educator might be required to meet their needs. Your child may be eligible for the . To find out more, contact the Australian Government Inclusion Support agency via 1800 129 606 or email saisp [at] gowriesa.org.au.
Find OSHC services
You can find an OSHC services near you by searching on find schools, preschools and other services.
Fees and financial assistance
Each OSHC service determines their own fees. Fees can vary from service to service and also between components the child attends (such as before school, after school or vacation care).
You might be eligible for financial assistance toward the part payment of childcare fees through the Australian Government’s childcare subsidy scheme (CCS). For more information go to or call 13 61 50 for more information.
Benefits of OSHC
OSHC services can contribute to the healthy and successful lives of children. They help children:
- build independence
- apply learning in social settings
- interact with others and practice social skills
- try new experiences
- build friendships
- learn life skills and solve problems.
Quality assurance
All OSHC services must be approved to operate under the requirements of the Australian Government’s for Early Childhood Education and Care.
Services are regularly assessed against the , which sets a national benchmark for the quality of education and care services.
The development of OSHC services are guided by the . The framework makes sure the program and environment are responsive to each child’s needs, interests and choices and contributes fully to their ongoing development.