On this page
The Learning Together Communities (LTC) program helps families to engage in their children's learning. This makes a positive difference for both adults and children.
The program offers a universal standard of playgroups and parent education courses in department managed communities across ºÚÁϳԹÏ. It can help you connect with other families and family friendly service providers.
Playgroup facilitator training and mentoring services complement and support playgroup programs.
Focus of the program
We focus on respectful relationships, wellbeing and learning.
The interaction between parents or carers and their children is crucial. We support these interactions by:
- working individually with families
- modelling
- providing an environment and resources for interactions
- providing a framework for parents and carers to observe their children's learning.
We believe that successful engagement with families and children occurs when educators recognise that families:
- want the best for their children
- are different and are respectful of the differences
- all have strengths.
Aims of the program
We want to support your family to be your child’s first teacher. This will help your child’s:
- early literacy
- numeracy
- development
- engagement with learning.
The program aims to:
- ensure a consistent, coherent and evidence-informed approach to playgroups and parent education
- improve early learning opportunities for children
- support the development and wellbeing of children and their parents
- empower parents and increase parent capacity to support their children’s learning and development
- provide access to quality information and resources
- strengthen communities through interagency collaboration and coordination in the provision of family focused programs and services
- promote and support positive relationships between families and early childhood services and schools, including transitions from home to early childhood settings and schools.
Our playgroups support your child’s development through sharing songs, rhymes, oral language, painting, drawing, writing and sharing books.
Parent education course
Our parenting education courses provide adult-focused learning activities that aim to:
- support families engage with their child and their child’s learning
- link families with other agencies.
Our approved parenting education courses include:
- Circle of Security
- Dispositions for Learning
- Bringing Up Great Kids
- Building Numeracy Together
- Companions Together.
Learning Together Communities playgroups are free to attend.
Learning Together Communities mentor program
Learning Together Communities has a mentor program, more information is available on the Learning Together Communities mentor program page.
Find a playgroup or parenting education course
Each community has a hub where we deliver most of the playgroups and courses.
Contact a hub near you to find out more:
Learning Together Community Hubs
Northern Adelaide Hub
Northern Adelaide Senior College
2 Woodford Street, Elizabeth
Phone: 7285 1600
Email: education.LearningTogetherCommunitiesNorthernAdelaide [at] sa.gov.au
Central Adelaide Hub
Enfield Primary School
Address: Pateela Street, Enfield
Phone: 8343 6573
Email: education.LearningTogetherCommunitiesCentralAdelaide [at] sa.gov.au
Southern Adelaide Hub
Christie Downs Primary School
Address: Corner Peregrine Crescent and Justin Crescent Christie Downs
Phone: 8382 5950
Email: education.LearningTogetherCommunitiesSouthernAdelaide [at] sa.gov.au
Murray Mallee and Riverland Hub
Fraser Park Primary School
Address: 25 to 27 Burdekin Street, Murray Bridge
Phone: 8531 3090
Email: education.LearningTogetherCommunitiesMurrayMalleeRiverland [at] sa.gov.au
Mid North Hub
Airdale Primary School
Address: 400 Anzac Road, Port Pirie
Phone: 8632 2633
Email: education.LearningTogetherCommunitiesMidNorth [at] sa.gov.au
South East Hub
Newbery Park School
Address: Bridges Street, Millicent
Phone: 8733 2864
Email: education.LearningTogetherCommunitiesSouthEast [at] sa.gov.au
Culturally responsive practice
Learning Together Communities acknowledge children are strengthened by their culture, identity, language, country and belonging within a family and community. A child’s learning and development is supported by the strength of families and the provision of culturally appropriate experiences.
Successful engagement with families and children occurs when we recognise that all families are different, are respectful of these differences, and that relationships are built on the strengths of each other’s knowledge.
Learning Together Communities honours the histories, cultures, languages, traditions, child rearing practices and lifestyle choices of families. We value children’s different capacities and abilities and respect differences in families’ home lives.
Learning Together Communities is committed to:
- Creating welcoming and culturally safe environments where all children and families are respected and feel safe to practice their cultural values and beliefs.
- Working in partnership with families and communities to co-construct programs, curriculum and resources to meet local community needs and interests and make sure that learning experiences are meaningful and culturally responsive.
- Continuously improving our cultural understanding by developing our knowledge, awareness and skills so we can engage respectfully with families from all cultures.
- Developing quality diverse resources that are inclusive and responsive to all families.